Halal Health Insurance in the Philippines: What You Need to Know

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Disclaimer: This article explains important aspects of halal health insurance for people in the Philippines, especially Muslims. It does not specifically discuss halal health insurance companies in the Philippines.

Hello, readers! Are you seeking information on halal health insurance in the Philippines? If your answer is "Yes," congratulations! You're reading the right article. I'll explain the key aspects of halal health insurance, which every Muslim should understand. So, please read on!

Clarification: This article focuses on the basic principles of halal health insurance in the Philippines, in accordance with Sharia law, and does not specifically cover halal health insurance companies operating in the Philippines.

What Is Halal Health Insurance in the Philippines?

The first question I want to address is: "What is halal health insurance in the Philippines?" Understanding this is essential because it's one of the most basic concepts that must be clarified.

Halal Health Insurance: An Overview

In Islamic teachings, halal health insurance refers to a system that promotes mutual assistance and protection among a group of people. This system operates on investments that generate returns to cover certain risks, all while adhering to Sharia-compliant agreements.

Insurance in Islam and Fatwa on Health and Life Insurance

Halal health insurance participants contribute to support those facing losses. In this system, the role of the insurance company is to manage operations and investments for the pooled funds.

Unlike conventional insurance, the goal of halal health insurance is not to maximize profits, but to ensure the welfare of Muslims. I will explain the criteria for halal health insurance in more detail at the end of this article.

In the Philippines

The Philippines is a country with diverse communities, and like any other country, health insurance is important. What makes halal health insurance in the Philippines unique is that it operates according to Sharia principles. That means health insurance providers in the Philippines must follow Islamic rules for managing the company and insurance funds.

Is Working for a Health Insurance Company Halal?

In simple terms, halal health insurance in the Philippines refers to health insurance that aligns with Islamic principles in its management and operation.

Is Halal Health Insurance Available in the Philippines?

The second critical question is: "Is there halal health insurance in the Philippines?" Understanding this question is essential, as it helps Muslims in the Philippines decide whether the insurance options available to them meet their religious guidelines.

As mentioned earlier, halal health insurance is health insurance that adheres to Sharia principles in managing insurance funds. If a health insurance company in the Philippines follows these principles, then it qualifies as halal. Conversely, if it does not follow Sharia law, it would not be considered halal.

Therefore, if there are health insurance companies in the Philippines that manage their funds in accordance with Islamic rules, halal health insurance is available in the country.

Seven Criteria for Halal Health Insurance in the Philippines

Now, let's discuss the seven essential criteria of halal health insurance in the Philippines. These are vital aspects that must be well understood to ensure the insurance system adheres to Sharia principles:

Tawhid (Monotheism)

The primary principle of halal health insurance is that its purpose should align with the teachings of Islam, not just for financial gain. Halal health insurance aims to benefit Muslims by promoting welfare and helping others in accordance with Tawhid, the belief in the oneness of God.


Fairness is another key principle of halal health insurance. The management of funds should be equitable, benefiting all parties involved without favoring one over the other. This reflects the Islamic commitment to justice, as explained in the Hadith:

"The destruction of those before you was due to the fact that when a noble person among them committed a theft, they let him go, but when a poor person did it, they would enforce the punishment." (Sahih Bukhari)

Mutual Help

The purpose of halal health insurance is mutual assistance. Islam encourages Muslims to help each other, especially in times of health-related needs. This principle is grounded in the following Quranic verse:

"And cooperate in righteousness and piety, but do not cooperate in sin and aggression." (Al-Maidah 5:2)


Cooperation is essential in halal health insurance. All parties involved should fulfill their obligations as agreed upon. This is emphasized in both the Quran and Hadith, illustrating the importance of mutual cooperation among Muslims in all aspects of life, including insurance:

"A believer to another believer is like a building whose different parts reinforce each other." (Sahih Bukhari)


Trust is fundamental to halal health insurance. Both insurance providers and participants must have confidence that their respective obligations will be honored. Muslims are taught to uphold trust and keep promises, as evidenced by the Hadith:

"The signs of a hypocrite are three: (1) when he speaks, he lies; (2) when he makes a promise, he breaks it; (3) when entrusted, he betrays the trust." (Sahih Bukhari)


Transparency ensures that all dealings are clear and understandable, in line with Islamic teachings on honesty and openness. Insurance providers must communicate the terms and conditions clearly to avoid disputes.

Sharia Compliance

Finally, halal health insurance must comply with Sharia law, ensuring that no elements of interest (riba) or gambling (maysir) are involved in the management or operation of the insurance funds. This principle safeguards the integrity of the system and aligns it with Islamic values.


To summarize, halal health insurance in the Philippines is based on Sharia principles that emphasize mutual assistance, fairness, and ethical conduct. If you are considering health insurance options, ensure that the provider aligns with these principles. Remember, the primary goal of halal health insurance is to support the welfare of Muslims, not to maximize profits.

Akhmad Syafiuddin
Akhmad Syafiuddin An expert in Islamic discourse and law, and a graduate of Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt.

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